
Trauma 101


Memory & Memoir Resources

Memory is self-reflective and constantly evolving. The more we collectively learn about it, the less we collectively solely rely on it to make decisions (i.e., court decisions). Below are links to resources about the topic of memory and memoirs that I find helpful to reference during various moments with clients.

Memory 101

How Elizabeth Loftus Changed the Meaning of Memory The New Yorker (long-form article)
Memory and Forgetting
Radiolab (podcast episode)
Are Your Memories Real? Hidden Brain (podc…

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Sunshine Through Trees

Historical Trauma: Land Acknowledgement & Commitment to Restoration

I share the following personal ancestral truths to acknowledge the resulting historical trauma and its long-term effects. I never wanted to be that white girl who ignorantly benefitted from her ancestors' crimes against others, but recently proved what I've always dreaded about my genealogy... Unfortunately, I am the descendant of those who colonized Massachusetts, on the rightful Lands of the Nipmuck and Agwam peoples. Historians agree that those compelled to fight in the American …

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Holmes & Rahe Stress Scale

The Holmes & Rahe assessment is a collection of questions about stressful life events. It was created in 1967 to measure the connection between stress and illness. There is a total of 1467 points for all 43 questions.

Please note that while there is good evidence that chronic stress can lead to ill health, there is not much evidence to support the *ranking* of stressful life events in this manner. Even though this assessment isn't perfect (doesn't leave a lot of room for "grey areas"), this stres…

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Figure 3 - Emergent Conceptual Model of Salutogenic Indicators for Organizational Resilience - Tracey, 2015

8 Themes for Building Organizational Resilience

I found a research gem from the University of Ottawa for my fellow entrepreneurial trauma survivors and wanted to share it with y'all! Enjoy!

~ Emily Ann Peterson

What is Organizational Resilience?

I can't be the only person who's set a goal for herself, made really big plans, and then had those plans get completely thwarted by some unforeseen event, tragedy, diagnosis, crisis, etc. I know I'm not alone in this experience—pandemic anyone?! Our individual ability to recoup, recover, and pull …

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Two Cautionary Tales: Testimonials & Why Entrepreneurs with Trauma NEED Evidence-Based Protocol

Please learn from my mistakes, so you don't make the same ones. In this post, you'll hear two cautionary tales from my mistakes. Both underline the benefit that an entrepreneurial trauma survivor gains from creating evidence-based business protocols. This especially applies to testimonials, referrals, and recommendations.

Understandbly, trauma affects our decision-making skills as business owners. We have more to gain than our trauma-free colleagues from establishing business protocols that are s…

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