
Trauma + Business


STAI: State-Trait Anxiety Inventory for Adults

Charles Spielberger, R.L. Gorsuch, and R.E. Lushene developed the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI). They wanted a series of questions that would help to distinguish the difference between temporary anxiety, often referred to as "state anxiety," and the enduring kind of anxiety referred to as "trait anxiety."(Spielberger, Gorsuch, Lushene, Vagg, & Jacobs, 1983)

The inventory is 40 multiple-choice questions. Each question can be answered with: almost never, sometimes, often, or almost always. T…

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I Don't Do "Sales Calls"

This one time I was on a really intense sales call... Somehow I was suddenly talking on the phone (gasp!) with a guy named Chad. He was pitching me the latest "life-changing" 12-week coaching "experience" that I was about to miss out on it! Oh no! ;-)

Throughout the sales call, Chad managed to do the following: blatantly ignore my lack of consent, gaslight me and my experiences, negged me strategically right before he... expected me to give him $10,000+ I couldn't help but nervous-laugh him off t…

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Figure 3 - Emergent Conceptual Model of Salutogenic Indicators for Organizational Resilience - Tracey, 2015

8 Themes for Building Organizational Resilience

I found a research gem from the University of Ottawa for my fellow entrepreneurial trauma survivors and wanted to share it with y'all! Enjoy!

~ Emily Ann Peterson

What is Organizational Resilience?

I can't be the only person who's set a goal for herself, made really big plans, and then had those plans get completely thwarted by some unforeseen event, tragedy, diagnosis, crisis, etc. I know I'm not alone in this experience—pandemic anyone?! Our individual ability to recoup, recover, and pull …

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Two Cautionary Tales: Testimonials & Why Entrepreneurs with Trauma NEED Evidence-Based Protocol

Please learn from my mistakes, so you don't make the same ones. In this post, you'll hear two cautionary tales from my mistakes. Both underline the benefit that an entrepreneurial trauma survivor gains from creating evidence-based business protocols. This especially applies to testimonials, referrals, and recommendations.

Understandbly, trauma affects our decision-making skills as business owners. We have more to gain than our trauma-free colleagues from establishing business protocols that are s…

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What's your business coaching philosophy? How did you get started doing this work?

The other day, we took a break to ask our founding director, Emilly Ann Peterson, a couple of questions about her background and philosophy. Her answers were pretty fascinating!

How does your background as a musician make you a better business & career coach for your clients who are trauma survivors?

Great question! In brief, the application of my philosophy is salutogenic, whole-person, and strengths-based. In greater detail, I'll start with some musical background, entrepreneurial beginnings…

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Easier Ways: The Deming Cycle & Kaizen

Trauma-informed coaching with Peterson Resilience Consulting operates from a mutual agreement that martyrdom, sacrificial productivity, and marathon rides on the struggle bus are 100% not worth it. A bonus domino effect from this motto is that doing hard things *can* feel easier.

Yes, we can do hard things.
Yes, hard things might feel uncomfortable, but why make it more difficult?! 

I began my business career as a musician and music teacher. It showed me that the process of optimizing somethi…

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I Kissed Capitalism Goodbye: a Case Study on Commerce—Deconstructing Joshua Harris' Course Launch

"When we know better, we do better." ~ Maya Angelou

If you are Joshua Harris, and all you read is this paragraph, that's understandable. Of course, you may read the full post, but if you leave this page knowing one thing it would be this: You are like so many business owners with religious trauma—you are brave and you are imperfect—you are human. I see so much of my own story in yours. I hope you’ll continue to de-center yourself, listen intently, and learn to apologize sincerely. Please cons…

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There Will Be No Mountain for Mark Driscoll

Many of our clients have their own stories of survival. Decades can pass, but when one of an originating source of trauma pops up in the news or pop culture, this can trigger an upheaval of complicated feelings. It can make the day-to-day of life very challenging—jobs, relationships, and businesses. 

Below is a first-person account of how our founding director, Emily Ann Peterson, reacted when this happened to her.

Unfortunately, Mars Hill was not the only experience that contributed to he…

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