IAT: Implicit Association Tests

About The Implicit Association Tests
Implicit bias is unintentional and automatic. It affects us more than we realize. It's not abnormal to be shocked or embarrassed by the results of these 15 Implicit Association Tests.
Please remember that the results do not define you, but they can empower you with better decision-making skills. This is why I highly recommend that everyone take these tests, especially my clients and other trauma survivors.
The IAT tests are offered by Harvard University and the results benefit research conducted by the University of Washington, University of Virginia, Harvard University, and Yale University.
More links for those curious:
- How the IAT is Scored & Conducted
- Harvard's FAQ page for the IAT
- ProjectImplicit.net - the 501(c)3 nonprofit organization and international collaborative of data researchers interested in implicit social cognition
- More information is available at https://implicit.harvard.edu/
- Maryville University on How to Identify and Overcome Your Implicit Bias
As of July 9, 2022 and in no particular order, the Implicit Association Tests available are as follows:
- Gender - Science
- Sexuality ('Gay - Straight' IAT)
- Religion ('Religions' IAT)
- Arab-Muslim ('Arab Muslim - Other People' IAT)
- Native American ('Native - White American' IAT)
- Race ('Black - White' IAT)
- Gender - Career
- Weight ('Fat - Thin' IAT)
- Skin-tone ('Light Skin - Dark Skin' IAT)
- Age ('Young - Old' IAT)
- Asian American ('Asian - European American' IAT)
- Weapons ('Weapons - Harmless Objects' IAT)
- Transgender ('Transgender People - Cisgender People' IAT)
- Presidents ('Presidential Popularity' IAT)
- Disability ('Physically Disabled – Physically Abled' IAT)
- This is Your Brain (5)
- Trauma + Business (8)
- Religious Trauma (5)
- Trauma 101 (5)
- FAQs (9)
- Social Entrepreneurship (6)
- Economics & Sustainability (9)
- Feminism & Patriarchy (4)
- Deconstructing Capitalism (8)
- Emily Ann Says (11)
- Assessments (7)
- Self-Regulation Tools (7)
- Building Resilience (7)
- Helpers & Healers (4)
- Dear Congress (1)
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